Thursday, August 23, 2007

Spelling Mississippi

by Marnie Woodrow

Just finished this book, one I picked up at the library just because I liked the cover lol! Really great read. Many attempts to write a review have stalled because I just cannot find the right words but I think some of this, lifted from, says it all
“Spelling Mississippi begins with a visually stunning drama that lingers ‘like the ghost scent of fine perfume’ over all the pages to come…. The narrative shifts smoothly between Cleo and Madeline, suspensefully unfurling their pasts, troubled childhoods, backstories ripe with longings and secrets, like the mini-cities of the dead, haunting the present…. Woodrow is a delicious tease, offering cool quenching sips of information, but spiked with intrigue. The story swirls compellingly on, at times funny, wise, erotic, always precisely detailed and vivid. A kind of romantic melancholy permeates the pages…. The charm and strength of the telling is the intimate reality created, the bang-on dialogue and characters [are] fully flesh and blood…. Spelling Mississippi, in the best way, is alive, both spirited and haunted.” -- Eliza Clark, The Globe and Mail

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

Wow. That sounds like a really interesting book! I've never heard of it, but I guess I will have to look for it!