Monday, November 12, 2007

Travelling Reading Journal- anyone want to join in?

I was lying in bed last night thinking about bookcrossing and reading (as you do) and it got me thinking about how much I enjoy hearing peoples thoughts about books and reading. So I thought I might set up a little travelling reading journal where the book gets sent around the world (hopefully!) and people keep it for a month or so (less if they wish) and either write about books they are reading, their thoughts on books in general etc and I could even provide some prompts if necessary. Then when they have finished they email the next person on the list, get their address and it gets posted on etc. What do people think? Obviously there will be issues with where people could afford to post and the fact that you will have to let one person know your address so I don't know how people feel about that?

Anyway am I going barmy or do people think this could work? Please leave me a comment and let me know! Also let me know if you are interested.


kookie said...

I think that's a very interesting idea. And I've heard about people doing that before, but I'm inclined to believe it could only work between really close friends and family members, because it would only take one person to either lose the journal or just not mail it and the whole thing would be for naught.

Odds are, I would be just that person. I'm terrible about the post office.

The Library Nook said...

I see what you mean:) However I have no friends who are that interested in reading and most definitely not any who live overseas. Oh well it was just an idea:)

Susan said...

I think it's a fun idea! I like it. It would let you see what people around the world think about books....sort of like getting all the blogs we read put into one book, just a bit from each author. I'm in Canada by the way, so you know someone now overseas who is that interested in reading! It may take a little while, but you might get a few people interested.....please keep my name on the list as one of them.

The Library Nook said...

Thanks Susan, I will definitely add your name to the list! I like the way you describe it.

Stephanie said...

Oh...I think it sounds like a fun idea!! (As long as you don't send it to Kookie!! LOL)

kookie said...

Ha ha, (to Stephanie).

The Library Nook said...

Ah Steph you leave our kookie alone:)

Lesley said...

Are you still thinking of doing this? I'd be interested, but with the expectation that something like kookiejar mentioned would happen. I actually am signed up for a moleskine traveling journal on BookCrossing, and it's been stalled or lost for over a year now ...

Still, if you go ahead with this, please sign me up!

Bybee said...

This is a great idea...if you go through with it, definitely count me in!

The Library Nook said...

Thanks bybee I am still debating but I think it will be fun!